To Document the Quest to Ski 1,000,000 Vertical Feet & 100 Days in a Single Season

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Day 4 (Fresh snow is on it's way!)

A brief "Lunch" time jaunt to the slopes. Some fresh gooming and cooler weather made for great skiing. Busted out the Volkl's for the first time this year, they really rip!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice, I'm lovin it. Still on for a rendezvous for the weekend, Coming up Friday night or Sat afternoon. I have a meeting till 3 in the bay with my boss on Friday

3:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm. Proper blog edicate denotes the user as one that replies to comments...

12:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and answers mcspeed emails

12:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and...quits being gay...and turns off word verification until spam actually arrives.

12:23 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Do you need a hug Dan?

1:20 PM


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